Busy week at Third Design

Its been a busy week at Third Design. The start to the year has gone off with a bang.

Renovations at Meadow View are cracking on, with planning for the next stage of works almost approved (check out the updates on the instagram page). The Biomass experiment here had a hiccup, charring the pellets rather than incinerating (all fixed now, touch wood). The construction drawings are well underway for the new dwelling in Bexley. More and more enquiries flooding in each day and I’m always looking for the next exciting green project… a few potentials are in the pipeline.

Concept visual of new build dwelling houseThe new dwelling currently being detailed.

Its really been a very encouraging start to 2021, following the uncertainty of 2020. More and more clients are picking up on the importance of sustainable builds, especially to use of British wood in construction. I have been posting a lot about this subject on our instagram page and i plan to do more so in the coming weeks. In particular here at Third Design, we have been looking at heat treated British timber stock and why its important.

Now with the weather gradually picking up, work outside in the Meadow View garden and field have begun. An aspect of Architecture that often gets overlooked is how the garden gets incorporated. Here we are lucky to have space (we live in the sticks) where we can farm flowers, grow veg and hopefully create a fun safe place for our boy to play in. Thats the year ahead for Fitzgerald HQ, while the planning is going through and we save for the next instalment of building works, we will work away at the garden over the spring and summer months.

What have you got planned? Those with itchy feet, its good to have a plan to keep yourself busy, before your able to build your dream home. Talking of dream homes, why not check out the concept page to get your ideas running.